Tales of berseria pc controller options
Tales of berseria pc controller options

I think that a 7/10 is about what this game deserves. +Final Verdict: -I could say that Tales of Berseria is better than the past couple of games in the series, however that wouldn't be much of an achievement compared to what most people thought of Tales of Zestiria.


Compared to Bandi Namco's other PC ports, I was able to play the game with no tinkering of external files to get things working properly. Unfortunately, anything above 60 fps isn't possible, and having a controller is basically essential to playing this game.

tales of berseria pc controller options

+PC Port: -Surprisingly good Plenty of graphics options, 60 fps, 4K support, etc. +Music: -Forgettable normally music in the Tale's series would get stuck in my head days after playing it, however I can't say the same with Berseria. Funnily enough, Velvet, the protagonist, is actually the least interesting character in the story, however her companions more than make up for it. +Story: -Definitely one of the more interesting stories presented in the Tales series in a while. On the bright side, I was easily able to get this game running at 4k 60fps at max settings, something that I can't say with most AAA games. The fact that this game came out on the PS3 in Japan isn't enough to defend its bland graphics.

tales of berseria pc controller options

(I guess I should mention that this game is best played with a gamepad.) +Graphics: -Underwhelming. The best strategy by far is to just button mash all four of the face buttons at once. +Combat: -To put simply, the combat in this game is a bit too easy. But other than that, I've played most of the major 3D Tales games. Xillia 2 and Zesteria seemed to be a little too bland for my tastes.

tales of berseria pc controller options

The best strategy by far is to just button mash all four of the face buttons at I just want to be clear before I start my review the last Tale's game I played was Tales of Xillia. To put simply, the combat in this game is a bit too easy. I just want to be clear before I start my review the last Tale's game I played was Tales of Xillia.

Tales of berseria pc controller options